It should be close to what you normally see outside of VR. You will lose depth (obviously) but your framerate will skyrocket. If your framerates are just so bad & you can't handle it at all, you may want to try turning off 3D entirely in the vorpx menu. You want to maintain as high a framerate as possible for the most comfortable experience. It might be wise to take a look at the TDM wiki for information on how to improve performance.

You can check your framerate by pressing att+f. What you are willing to put up with is going to be a matter of personal preference. However, with these software solutions, framerates that drop even into the 20's or 30's are surprisingly playable. I want to be clear, VR, especially with vorpx requires a lot of power to run. I prefer to have this off most of the time because the Vive, Rift, & vorpx all have built-in software solutions to help with this. You may find this more comfortable than a variable framerate. If you set "fluidsync" on, the game will lock to no greater than 45fps.